Huainan Bed Fm
Type Locality and Naming
Qiu et al. (2013, in Wang et al., 2013) firstly used this name to describe the fissure fillings producing Neogene mammalian fossils in the water-eroded caves developed in the Ordovician Dajushan Fm limestones from Huainan area, Anhui Province (Jin et al., 1999; Jin, 2004; Tomida et al., 2007). This bed is combined by three short sections, e.g. the Laodong Cave (yielding the Huainan Fauna), the Xindong Cave, and the Tiesiju Cave, which are all located on the Dajushan Hill (E117°01′, N32°35′) in Bagongshan District, about 15 km west of Huainan City, Anhui Provicne.
Lithology and Thickness
The Laodong section is divided into two parts: Lower part is formed by yellowish-brown sandy mudstones with small amount breccia, light reddish-brown muddy sandstones with small amount conglomerates, and brownish-red muddy sandstones with granules. Upper part consists of greyish-white subclay with small breccia, earthy yellow muddy sandstones, and greyish-yellow and green-yellow motley sandy mudstones. It contains abundant fossil mammals, birds, and turtles. Its thickness is about 15 m (Jin et al., 1999). The Xindong section is strongly consolidated by abundant calcareous cementation and consists of chocolate-brown clayey breccia, reddish-brown sandy mudstones with small amount of breccia, and reddish-brown sandy stones with gravels and sandy mudstones. Its thickness is about 16 m (Jin and Zhang, 2005; Tomida and Jin, 2007). The Tiesiju section is characterized by reddish mud and muddy sand with some limestone breccia, consolidated by calcareous cementation. Its thickness is unknown (Tomida and Jin, 2007).
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
The Huainan Bed is a series of fissure fillings deposited in the water-eroded caves developed in the Ordovician Dajushan Fm limestones. There are three caves deposited with Neogene sediments and abundant fossils, including the Laodong Cave, the Xindong Cave, and the Tiesiju Cave. In biostratigraphy, they are in late Late Miocene, Early Pliocene, and Late Pliocene, respectively (Tomida and Jin, 2007).
Upper contact
Regional extent
The Huainan Bed is restricted on the Dajushan hill, Huainan City, Anhui Province.
Huainan Fauna: Erinaceus sp., Rhinolophus sp., Hipposideros sp., Myotis sp., Alilepus lii, Pliopentalagus huainanensis, Allocrietus cf. A. bursae, Kowalskia spp., Ursus sp., Nyctereute sp., Meles sp., Rhinocerotidae gen. et sp. indet., Cervidae gen. et sp. indet. (Jin et al., 1999; Jin, 2004). Xindong Fauna: Promimomys asiaticus, Pliopentalagus dajushanensis (Jin and Zhang, 2005; Tomida and Jin, 2007). Tiesiju Fauna: Pliopentalagus anhuiensis (Tomida and Jin, 2007).
Depositional setting
It is interpreted as a cave fissure environment.